Friday, September 9, 2011

Starr Heritage Academy

You do what?
Yup you guessed it! In case you didn't know we are one of "those" homeschooling families!  This marks the beginning of our second year homeschooling our oldest and we LOVE it!! Yes , I did say we LOVED it :) Our 2 youngest are still in Public Elementary and totally enjoying it at this point so we are doing what best fits the needs of each of our children. I guess you could say I see both sides of the fence on this. 
This morning on the home school side Garrison and I are enjoying doing our school work at Barnes & Noble! Seriously How cool of a classroom setting is that. I can truly say I too am learning so much and its really awesome to see what the difference our family decision (directed with prayer) has made on Garrison's life. 
I'm still new to this and do not have all the ropes down pat just as yet, but am working on it. My wonderful SIL Christy has totally been an inspiration to me and helped me with all my goofy questions and concerns.

So what do home school families do? Are they related to the Duggarts?
First question: We attend a coop once a week with some wonderful people and lots of friends for him to play with, Violin lessons, outings,field trips bible quizzing etc,etc. The whole world is a classroom it seems.Unlike what most people thing its totally hands on and even more busy than public school!
Second: No we are not related , I could only talk my husband into 3 children.

Whats a typical day like?
We sleep till 2pm, eat... NAH no so, lol
I drop my two youngest kiddos off and Garrison starts school fully dressed promptly at 9am
Then he usually starts off with teaching textbooks Math
Writing work
We do a Easy Grammar /Daily grams lesson
10 min Break
Violin Practice
45 bible quizzing
Everyday is a different elective Course
Chemistry (3 days a week experiments on Thursdays)

And we need to know this why?
 So here's why I'm even writing this today. So whether you have children in Public school or now have jumped the line with the rest of the crazies to homeschooling, you have made a decision Please rest assured that MANY people will oppose either side of your choice.  My personal thought on this is If you have truly and totally thought out your public or non public  choice, prayed and made up your mind go for it! Everyone thought the wright brothers where crazy, but you can thank them now when you get on a airplane to take a 3 hr plane ride to a place that before would take you 3 days.

We were one of those families who were like "No way Could we ever do THAT".. But about a year before starting God starting changing our thinking. How do I know it was God, because me husband agreed to :) So we waited till 5th grade ended and middle school was going to begin. 
Here's some questions we asked ourselves.
  • Why are we wanting to do this?
  • How are we going to do this?
  • What is our plan in accomplishing our goal?
  • What do we expect our outcome to be?
  • Can we do this.. (jury maybe still out some days:)
If you are just starting out believe me you'll have opposition and bad days, but its totally awesome anyway. Those that want to nay say your decision are not in your shoes (unless it is a spouse and then you may want to listen up). Your Children are yours and if it something you've decided to do , then no worries  9 times out of 10 its people that don't really understand what it is, and most likely need to tend to their own family situations anyway:)  So here's to education and helping your children reach everything possible for them to attain.. Cheerio !! Thanks for stopping by..Love y'all!!

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