Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Different is Beautiful.

Yearly we get together with family at Christmas time, and I must say its one of those things that carry me thru till the next get together. I have been blessed with a family who loves each other immensley . We are all very different from each other. We have different talents, abilities and personalities ..Yet we ALL love the Lord and live for him. Whats awesome about that is God can make all "different" kinds of  people work together to make a beautiful master piece.. Thats family a masterpiece of a gift from the Lord.  I see families who let their differences cause pain and wall build up between them. its so sad when WE turn Gods Gift into Grief. Seeing all my beautiful family laughing and interacting together blesses my heart. I know that there are some families where the Love of God does not flow freely making it not quite the thing God made it to be. Sometimes  a "family" bond is more felt with people of like faith and beliefs than it is with your own natural family.God can provide fulfiment for that empty space like non other. What a boring world if we all were alike. Could you imagine  sitting down to a meal where it was all the same thing in every bowl and platter? Yuck..BORING.. I want variety!  I relish my families differences its so beautiful when we all come together. So this year instead of trying to Change every one around you to be who you think they should be..Let them be who God made them to be..So you can be who God made you to be. Hes after all pretty capable of taking care of what he makes. Different Can most definatly be beautiful When  Jesus is at the center of it:)


  1. How Sweet it was to read your Blog. I Loved it. Words that I would like to think up and say. I love you all like you are Nice and Different and wonderful Individuals that all care and respect for one another. What a Great Family we have all anxious to see each other. How I would hate to feel like others have told me they felt about their family....they felt the best when they were watching their tail lights disappear out of sight. No Lets keep Tolerating, accepting what we can and use large doses of tender Love and care for each other. It really makes for a wonderful time when we do get together. I have Five Wonderful Kids and their Spouses mean the world to me too. I Can't wait to see them and am unafraid to be mom and me when I am around them. God Has been the Best thing we could have in the center of our lives. If you take him out and your adoration of his house and him things are not as sweet or fun. Love you All, and I have adopted many into my heart cause there is room for more.....if you love us. Mom

  2. What a beautiful photo and your memory scrapbook must be so full! Congratulations on keeping the tradition alive and well with a positive outlook and attitude!

  3. Ooops! A P.S... Please tell Bro. Hartzell hello for me - a voice out of the Michigan past. And know that we are praying for your mom.
