After I found my hidden energy with a about 2000mg of B12 , Ainsley and I worked on her Alphabet ..So Funny how a little brain of a 4yr old works, Love it! We began to listen to an alphabet Cd and flipped thru flashcards while she sang into the karaoke mic, quite pleased with her personal singing talent. Next we made a house, Flower garden , pool , and wrap around fence and 2 princess crowns with Neon Connector blocks , Which Looked Quite flattering on us if we do say so ourselves!lol
I find it amusing how Children can learn more from play ,and hands on time spent with them than from books sometimes!
I have enjoyed being a Mommy , along with the "other" things God has chosen to designate me for in this lifetime..EVERYDAY is an adventure!! Tiring? YES! Messy? Yes!!!!! I would not change it for anything , Ill have plenty of time for rest and "clean" when the nest is empty:( So heres to today Crayon marks on the wall, Dolls and transformers scattered about, dishes in the sink, but most of all HAPPY Children:)
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